What Causes Nurse Burn Out and 5 Ways To Prevent It

What Causes Nurse Burn Out and 5 Ways To Prevent It
nurse burn out

Working as a nurse can feel overwhelming. Nursing is a demanding job that requires selflessness and constant patience. However, working as a nurse doesn’t come without its fair share of challenges. Working as a nurse can be exhausting and extremely stressful at times. The demands of the job often take their toll on nurses. Given that there are so many responsibilities involved, it’s no surprise that working as a nurse can be draining for some individuals. If you find yourself feeling overwhelmed with your work load or you just dread going to work every day, then you might have Nurse Burn Out symptoms. Nurse burnout is becoming more and more common among nursing professionals; it’s not uncommon for nurses to experience bouts of burnout throughout their careers, but some people deal with it more than others. When you have lots of responsibilities and little time to spend with friends or family, it takes its toll on you emotionally-so much so that you feel like your career has taken over your life rather than the other way around.

nurse burn out

Even though being a nurse isn’t easy by any means, it’s important not to give up if your passion lies in this field. Research shows that those who stay in nursing jobs long term also tend to earn higher salaries over time too-not something most people consider when they give up on nursing at first sight (or even second). Here are some explanations as to why some nurses experience burnout and how you can prevent it from taking

What is Nurse Burn Out?

Burnout is a feeling of being exhausted by your job. It can affect anyone in any profession who is pushed to the limits by their job responsibilities. This exhaustion can come from both the job itself as well as the individuals who are involved with the job.

Many nurses experience feelings of burnout every now and then, but when it becomes a regular experience, it’s time to seek professional help.

nurse burn out

Nurse burnout is different from the normal ups and downs of the job. When you have burnout, you experience extreme fatigue, low self-esteem, anxiety, and a lack of motivation. All of these symptoms can make it difficult to function both personally and at work.

Burnout can result from many different factors. These can include a high workload, a lot of stress in a person’s personal life, or a lack of appreciation for the work that nurses do every day. Some people may also have a genetic predisposition to burnout.

Causes of Nurse Burn Out

nurse burn out

  • Over-stretched Workload: As a nurse, you know all too well how quickly work can pile up. Whether you’re a critical care, cardiac, or neonatal nurse, you may find yourself frequently on call. This means that you’re sometimes the only person who can provide care when someone needs it, often at a hospital in an emergency room setting.
  • Lack of Recognition: Nurses spend years getting a bachelor’s degree and then often spend another 2-3 years in nursing school on top of that. However, many people don’t recognize the time and effort that nurses put into their jobs.
  • Lack of Recognition for Detailing: Many nurses feel like the jobs that they do are often overlooked and don’t receive the recognition that they deserve. This can lead to nurses feeling unappreciated and frustrated by their jobs.

Solutions for Nurse Burn Out

  • Recognize and Talk About Burnout: If you tend to brush off burnout symptoms, it can be easy to ignore them. However, doing so can be dangerous and can lead to burnout. Recognize the signs of nurse burnout and talk about them with your supervisors or colleagues if you notice that your work is affecting your health or your relationships.
  • Take Care of Your Emotional Health: If you’re constantly stressed out by work, then you’re more likely to experience burnout. Take time out to relax, exercise, and eat a healthy diet. If you’re struggling to deal with stress at work, ask your supervisors or colleagues if you can speak with a human resources representative.
  • Ask for Help: Sometimes, you might feel overwhelmed by your job, even though that’s not actually the case. Ask your supervisors if you can take a break or ask for help with a task that’s causing you a lot of stress.
  • Be Patient With Yourself: You need to be qualified for the job you have. If you’re struggling to meet the high standards required for your role, you may be experiencing nurse burnout.

How to Recognize the Symptoms of Nurse Burnout

nurse burn out

  • You’re overwhelmed by your responsibilities.
  • You feel like you have no time to yourself.
  • Your relationships with family and/or friends are suffering.
  • You feel anxious about going to work.
  • You avoid doing things that don’t have an obvious nursing purpose.
  • You come to dread getting out of bed on weekdays.

Key Points

  • Nurse burnout is not inevitable. It’s important to recognize the symptoms of nurse burnout and seek help.
  • There are ways to help prevent nurse burnout.
  • It’s important to take care of yourself emotionally and take regular breaks.
  • It’s important to be patient with yourself while you work towards achieving your career goals.

What Next? Recognize the Warning Signs

Nursing is a noble profession that can give you a chance to make a difference in people’s lives.

However, it can also be one of the most challenging careers to pursue. Nurse burnout is a challenging issue that can affect anyone in the nursing profession. It’s important to recognize the warning signs of this issue and to seek help if you find yourself experiencing these issues. It can be stressful, but you don’t have to stay in a profession where you feel like you have to fight every day. Preventative measures can help you maintain a healthy work-life balance and prevent nurse burnout from happening to you.

If you are experiencing symptoms of nurse burnout, don’t hesitate to seek help. Nurse burnout is a serious issue, and it can be difficult to cope with the symptoms on your own. If you don’t feel like you can cope, it’s important to reach out for help.

Picture of Audrey Lenon

Audrey Lenon

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Audrey Lenon

I am a Registered Nurse with 17+ years of experience, a Wife, and Mother who’s into Singing, Dancing, Music, House Plants, Home Decor, Natural Healing, Fitness, Traveling, and Spiritual Growth.

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